Home >Technical
Support >Web Support >Legacy Hosting > Uploading
your files
- To publish content via FTP:
- Using your favorite FTP client (ftp, WS_FTP, CuteFTP,
Netscape Navigator) ftp to ftp.dca.net. Login using
your username and password.
- In your directory are subdirectories for each site
you are hosting on DCANet's Servers. Change directory into the site you
wish to publish content.
- PUT your files into the directory. Be sure to use BINARY
mode for graphic files (.jpg, .gif, etc) and ASCII mode for text or HTML
Your account has full read/write/execute permissions in your
home directory.
- To publish content with Microsoft FrontPage
(Frontpage extensions must be installed on the website):
- Using Microsoft FrontPage 2000, open your web, select
"File" then "Publish Web."
- For location, enter the name of your web site. example:
- At the username and password dialog box, enter your
assigned username and password.
- You must publish your web files using the FrontPage
publish feature in order for FrontPage Extensions to work properly. Please
refer to the FrontPage documentation for additional details.