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Home > Technical Support > Email >Webmail Support > Sending Email Attachments

To compose a new email:

  • Click New Message, located at the top right corner of the inbox.
  • To send a message to another person, you must have that person's e-mail address. This is usually in the format user@domain.com. If you would like to choose a name from your contacts list, simply click on that person's name, then click the "Add to 'To'" box. You may select multiple names by holding down the CTRL key. You may do the same for adding an existing contact to the CC or BCC fields. If your sender's e-mail address is not listed under contacts, you may type in the e-mail address manually in the To, CC, or BCC fields manually. Multiple recipients must be separated by a comma.
  • The subject line is what will display in the recipient's inbox. Type a general description of your message here.
  • Attachments are files that are sent along with an e-mail message. To send an attachment, choose the number of attachments that you plan to send with your message and hit the Change button. Once you have done this, the page will reload and a field will appear for each attachment that you requested. Choose "Browse..." to locate each attatchment you want to send. When you have found the file, click on it; then click the OK button and the attachment line will display that file location. NOTE: Selecting users after adding a file attachment will cause the attachment to be lost, and you will have to re-attach it.
  • Other options when sending a message include saving a copy of the message in the 'Sent' Folder as well as choosing whether you would like a Read Receipt. These are personal preferences - make either choice as desired.
  • You may type the body of the message in the large white box below the Send Now, Save Draft and Spell Check buttons.
  • To send a message immediately, click Send Now.
  • If you would like to save the message for a later time, click Save Draft. The message will then be save in your Drafts folder. To access it again, go to the Drafts folder, click on the message and click the Recompose Message Option. You may then complete your message.
  • To check the e-mail for spelling mistakes click Spell Check. If there are any unrecognized words it will offer the most common suggestions. Change the misspelled words by clicking on the pull-down menu in which it appears. Click recompose to return to the message.


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